thank you的答语的相关图片

thank you的答语

下面围绕“thank you的答语”主题解决网友的困惑

thank you的回答都有什么?

对于"thank you"的回答 1、You are wecome.——不用谢。2、My pleasure.——我的荣幸。3、It's my pleasure.——这是我的荣幸。4、It was nothing.——没有什么事...

Thank you有哪些答语?


thank you的回答都有什么?

1) You are wecome;2) My pleasure;3) It's my pleasure;4) It was nothing;5) Anytime;6) My job;(工作上的)7) Glad that I could help;8) Don't mention it;9) I...

thank you有哪些答语?

Thank you有可以答语:1、You're welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。2、It's my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。3...

当别人对你说“Thank you."你用英文如何回答?'re welcome./ not at all.不客气。thank you for everything.感谢您做的一切。you're welcome./ not at all.不客气。这是大家从教科书上学到的标准说法,也...

请写出五个“Thank you”答语?

别人说Thank you的时候,你可以回答:You're welcome.(不客气)Don't mention it.(别提了,小事一桩)My pleasure./It's my pleasure. (乐意效劳)That's all rig...

Thank you回答什么

Thank you的答语有:1、not at all 一点也不;别客气 短语 not helpful at all 没有帮助 ; 在没有帮助所有 ; 根本没...

别人说Thank you.该怎么回答

1. You're welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。\x0d\x0aThank you for everything. 感谢您做的一切。\x0d\x0aYou're welcome./ Not at all.不客气。\x0d\x0a这是大家从...

对于"thank you"有哪几种地道的回答?

1、No problem没事儿 这是美国人最爱说的,比如:Thanks for checking the post.谢谢你给我查文。No problem.问题不...

谁知道“Thank you.”的五种答语?

Thank you的答语可用:1.It’s a pleasure.带有感情色彩“乐意为对方服务。”2.Not at all. 比较正式。3.That’s all right.熟悉的人之间常用,不太正式。4.Yo...

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